Parakeet Breeds
Your Guide to the Extensive Breed of Parakeets
Parakeets, also commonly known as budgerigars or budgies, captivate bird enthusiasts worldwide with their vibrant colors, charming personalities, and sociable nature. While there aren’t distinct “breeds” of parakeets in the same sense as there are for dogs or cats, selective breeding has led to a fascinating array of color variations and patterns within the budgerigar species (Melopsittacus undulatus).
From the iconic green and yellow wild-type to rare mutations like the stunning violet and intricate pied markings, the diversity of parakeet colorations showcases the beauty and creativity of nature and aviculture alike.

Two budgies playing on top of their cage. Budgies are one of the most common parakeet breeds. This is the most popular parakeet and found in many homes throughout the world.
Our Favorite Parakeet Supplies & Toys
We LOVE our parakeet and she has some really cool gear we got from Amazon.
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Most Popular Breeds
Here is a list of some of the different breeds of parakeets:
- Budgerigar (commonly known as budgies or parakeets)
- Monk Parakeet (Quaker Parrot)
- Indian Ringneck Parakeet
- Alexandrine Parakeet
- Derbyan Parakeet
- Barred Parakeet
- Lineated Parakeet (Linnie)
- Bourke’s Parakeet
- Plum-headed Parakeet
- Moustached Parakeet
- Rose-ringed Parakeet
- Red-rumped Parakeet
- Princess Parrot
- Regent Parrot
- Rock Parrot
- Swift Parrot
- Superb Parrot
- Golden-shouldered Parrot
- Blue-winged Parrot
- Scarlet-chested Parrot
- Elegant Parrot
This list includes some of the most commonly kept parakeet breeds as pets, as well as a few less common species. Keep in mind that there are many more species and sub-species of parakeets found in various regions around the world.
Our Favorite Parakeet Foods & Treats
Our parakeet eats her normal diet of seed, but we also like to supply treats and chewables as well. Here are our favorites.
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Common Budgerigar Breed Variations
- Normal/Wild Type: Green body with yellow head and black stripes on the back of the head.
- Skyblue: Light blue body coloration.
- Cobalt: Deeper, richer blue coloration compared to skyblue.
- Violet: Budgies with purple or violet hues, often with a gradient effect.
- Greywing: A mutation affecting the distribution of color pigments, resulting in a softer, diluted appearance.
- Clearwing: Similar to greywing, but with even lighter markings, creating a more translucent effect.
- Yellowface: A mutation affecting the coloration of the face and head feathers, often resulting in a yellow or golden hue.
- Spangle: Budgies with distinct markings or spots on their feathers, creating a spangled appearance.
- Crested: Budgies with a prominent tuft of feathers on their heads, known as a crest.
- Dominant Pied: Budgies with large patches of white interspersed with their base color.
- Recessive Pied: Budgies with smaller patches of white, often appearing as if the base color is “faded” or diluted.
- Lutino: Yellow or white with red eyes, lacking melanin pigmentation.
- Albino: Pure white with pink eyes, also lacking melanin pigmentation.
- Opaline: A mutation affecting the distribution of pigments, resulting in a unique feather pattern.
- Cinnamon: A brownish-red coloration, often with a cinnamon-like hue.
- Rainbow: A mix of various colors on a single bird, achieved through selective breeding.
Rare and Unique Variations of Parakeet Breeds
- Half-Sider: A budgie with two distinct colors, divided down the middle of its body, caused by a rare genetic mutation.
- Dark-Eyed Clear: A variety with clear body feathers and normal eye color.
- Pied Markings: Birds with irregular patches of color interspersed with their base color.
- Fallow: Budgies with a light brownish coloration, often resembling fallow deer.
Factors Influencing Color Variations
- Genetics: Inheritance of specific genes determines the color and pattern variations in budgies.
- Selective Breeding: Breeders selectively pair birds with desired traits to produce specific color mutations.
- Mutation Rate: Some color mutations occur naturally at a low rate and are then selectively bred to establish the variation.
Care and Considerations for Parakeet Breed
Regardless of color variation, all budgies require similar care, including a balanced diet, proper housing, socialization, and regular veterinary check-ups. Birds of all types can thrive when stimulated, so consider training your bird for fun and good behavior.
Parakeet Breed Availability
While common color variations are readily available through pet stores and breeders, rarer mutations may be more challenging to find and may come at a higher cost due to their scarcity.
Overall, the wide array of color variations in budgerigars makes them a fascinating and visually appealing pet choice for bird enthusiasts worldwide.